Corey Hewitt Home Inspector Kanata
AUG 23, 2022
Inspec Homes would like to welcome our newest member of the team, Corey Hewitt, home inspector, Kanata, ON. Corey comes to us with a wealth of practical experience in all aspects of residential home inspections from his many years working as skilled labor and private contractor on large renovation and new residential construction projects all over Ottawa.
Originally from the Ottawa Valley, Corey grew up helping his dad build and maintain their family home and rental houses. Later he earned a degree in engineering from the University of Guelph with a minor in business. After several years behind a desk he chose to go back to working with his hands and started working as a carpenter in Ottawa with a small contractor. This led to roles working with foundations, roofing, structural modifications, exterior grading, kitchen and bathroom projects, energy retrofits, and full building projects.
In his words, “Having seen and helped to fix so many home issues that could have been caught earlier and prevented, I see home inspection as a way to help more people sooner to have the peace of mind that they can rely on their home.”
Corey is now a practicing home inspector serving Kanata, ON as well as the greater Ottawa area and the Ottawa Valley, he would be happy to connect with you and help you with your next home inspection.